Family: Leguminosae

Vernacular names:
- Arabic : Saysabān, سيسبانيا كبيرة الأوراق
- Assamese: Bakphul
- Bengali :বক ফুল (Bokful or Heron flower, as its white and hangs like a heron from the tree.)
- Chinese : 大花田菁 (白色花品种) Da hua tian jing (Bai se hua pin zhong), 木田菁 Mu tian jing.
- Czech : Sesbánie velkokvětá.
- Dutch : Agati.
- English : Agati sesbania, Agasti sesbania, Corkwood tree, Hummingbird tree, Scarlet wisteria tree, Swamp pea, Vegetable hummingbird, West Indian pea, West Indian pea tree.
- French : Agati à grandes fleurs, Colibri végétal (Caribbean), Fagotier, Fleur papillon (Caribbean), Gros mourongue, Pois valette, Pois valier, Pois vallière, Sesbanie à larges fleurs.
- German : Kolibribaum, Turibaum, Scharlach Baumwisterie.
- Gujarati : Agathio .
- Hindi : अगस्ति Agasti (Aagasti), अगासती Agasati, बसना Basna, गाछ मूंगा Gaach-munga, Hathya, हटिया Hatiya, सेसवैनिया ग्रैन्डीफ्लोरा , अगेति/समय से पहले
- Indonesian: bunga turi ; kembang turi
- Japanese : アガチ Agachi, シロゴチョウ Shiro gochou, 白胡蝶 Shiro gochou.
- Kannada: agase
- Khmer : Angkiëdèi (Angkea dey), Pka angkea dey. ផ្កាអង្គាដី
- Korean : 아가티 A ga ti, 웨스트인디안콩나무 We-seu-teu-in-di-an-kong-na-mu.
- Lao: ແຄ(ຂາວ) [kʰɛ́ː kʰǎːw]
- Laotian : ແຄ ຂາວ Kh'ê: kha:w.
- Malay : Daun turi, Kacang turi, Kembang turi, Petai belalang, Pokok turi, Sesban getih, Toroy (Indonesia), Turi, Tuwi (Indonesia).
- Malayalam: അകത്തി (akatti)
- Manipuri : হৌৱাঈমাল Houwaimal.
- Marathi : Akatti, शेवरी Shevari, हतगा Hatga, हेटा (heta)
- Nepalese : अगस्ति Agasti .
- Oriya: ଅଗସ୍ତି (agastee)
- Persian : سسبانیا گراندیفلورا , Sīsabān سيسبان .
- Portuguese : Agasto, Sesbânia.
- Russian : Сесбания крупноцветковая Sesbania krupnotsvetkovaia, Сесбания крупноцветковая розовая (pink-flowered).
- Russian: Сесбания крупноцветковая
- Sanskrit : अगस्ति Agasti , Agati, Agastya, Drigapalaka, Munipriya, Varnari.
- Sinhalese : Katura murunga, Katurumurunga kolle (leaves), Katurumurunga mala (flowers)..
- Slovakian : Sezbánia veľkokvetá.
- Spanish : Baculo, Báculo, Cresta de gallo, Gallito, Pico de flamenco, Sesbania agata, Zapaton blanco.
- Tagalog : Katurai, Katuray.
- Tamil : Agathi, Agatti, Akatti, அகத்தி Akatthi, அகத்திக் கீரை Agathi keeray, Peragathi.
- Telugu : Agise, Agisi, Bakapushpam, Ettagise, Sukanasamu. అవిసి (avisi)
- Thai : ดอกแค Dok khae (Daawk ), ดอกแคบ้าน Dok khae baan, แคบ้าน Khae baan (Central Thailand), แคแกง, แคขาว แค แดง Khae daeng (Chiang Mai).
- Thai: แค (khae)
- Urdu : Agst.
- Vietnamese: so đũa
Description: Sesbania grandiflora Pers. is a tree that can grow to 8-10 m in height. The compound leaves are about 30 cm long with 12 to 20 pairs of rounded, narrow, oblong leaflets, 3-4 cm by 1 cm. Flowers are 5-10 cm by 3 cm, in pale pink, red, purple or white. The pods are 25-50 cm, slender, and cylindrical with many light brown to red brown seeds.
Plant—astringent, antihistaminic, febrifuge. Used for intermittent fevers, catarrh, cough, consumption, glandular enlargement. An infusion of the bark is given in first stages of smallpox and other eruptive fevers (emetic in large doses).
The aqueous extract of flowers has been found to produce haemolysis of human and sheet erythrocytes even at low concentration due to methyl ester of oleanolic acid. Flowers also gave nonacosan--one and kaempferol-- rutinoside. The seed gave kaempferol--diglucoside, (+)-leucocyanidin and cyanidin- -glucoside. Seed also contains galactomannan. A saponin present in the leaves on hydrolysis gave an acid sapogenin oleanoic acid, galactose, rhamnose and glucuronic acid. Besides saponin, the leaves contain an aliphatic alcohol, grandiflorol. [Indian Medicinal Plants An Illustrated Dictionary]
Traditional Medicinal Uses: In the Philippines, the plant is used for its hypotensive properties. It is used in Indian folk medicine for the treatment of liver disorders. The juice of the leaves and flowers are popularly used for nasal catarrh and headache when taken as snuff. Various leaf preparations are used to treat epileptic fits. Applied externally for treatment of leprous eruptions. A poultice of the leaves is used for bruises. The leaf juice is mixed with honey for congenital bronchitis or cold in babies. [A Guide to Medicinal Plants An Illustrated, Scientific and Medicinal Approach]
Stem: Bark in a decoction used for stomach pains. Leaf: Juice for a gargle against mouth sprue. Used for medicinal purposes principally by people of Javan ancestry in Surinam. [Medicinal Plants of the Guianas (Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana)]
Leaf juice is used as nasal drops in headache. Fruits used as vaginal douche in leucorrhoea. Fruits used as curative agents in colic, jaundice and food poisoning. Root is useful in rheumatic swelling.
Phytoconstituents: Grandiflorol, (+)-leucocyanidin, oleanolic acid, lutein, beta-carotene, violaxanthin, neoxanthin, zeaxanthin and others.
Uses: Astringent, anticephalalgic [Medicinal Plants, Kerala Agricultural University]
85 Published articles of Sesbania grandiflora